Northgold Cosmetics BV
Kerkstraat 11
9479 PK Noordlaren
Do you want to know more or do you have a question? Then fill in your details on the contact form below. We are happy to help you!
Team aWondr.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any shipping charges for orders within the Netherlands?
No, orders within the Netherlands are free of charge.
Do you ship orders to countries other than the Netherlands?
Yes, orders can be shipped to various countries. If your country is not listed during checkout, please contact us for further assistance.
Who is responsible for customs duties, taxes, or levies for international orders?
Any customs duties, taxes, or levies applicable to orders outside the Netherlands are the responsibility of the recipient.
What is the estimated delivery time for orders within the Netherlands?
We aim to deliver your order within three working days.
What should I do if my order is damaged or lost?
If your order arrives damaged or is lost, please contact us as soon as possible for assistance.
What does your money-back guarantee entail?
Our money-back guarantee ensures that if you’re not satisfied with your purchase of our face cream for any reason, we’ll refund your money.
What are the requirements for returning the product for a refund?
You must return the face cream to us within 30 days of purchase, along with a request for a refund of the purchase price and proof of payment. Additionally, the jar must be filled with at least 75% of the cream.
What are the benefits of using aWondr. products with Chlorella Vulgaris?
Using aWondr. products with Chlorella Vulgaris can result in visibly smoother skin, improved skin tone, and overall enhanced skin health.
What is Chlorella Vulgaris, and why is it used in aWondr. products?
Chlorella Vulgaris is a single-celled green algae that is billions of years old and has numerous beneficial properties for the skin. It is incorporated into all aWondr. products due to its exceptional skincare benefits.
How does Chlorella Vulgaris help protect the skin against external factors like UV radiation and pollution?
Chlorella Vulgaris produces metabolites that can counteract the formation of free radicals, which are responsible for skin aging. This helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines, while also providing natural antioxidants to improve skin health.
How does Chlorella Vulgaris stimulate collagen production in the skin?
Chlorella Vulgaris stimulates collagen formation, which is essential for maintaining skin elasticity and reducing signs of aging such as wrinkles and sagging skin. This unique property contributes to the effectiveness of aWondr. skincare products.
Our core values

It works.
aWondr. reduces wrinkles & rejuvenates your skin.
In harmony with nature
Our products are developed in harmony with nature.
You will love it.
If you don't love aWondr. you will get a refund straightaway.