How does our cream stimulate collagen production?
When we talk about skin aging, we are basically talking about collagen. Or rather, a lack thereof. Virtually every description of healthy-looking skin comes down to collagen levels, the more of this protein the skin contains, the fuller, fresher and firmer our skin looks. Especially as we age, collagen production declines and, unfortunately, the supply is slowly depleted. This decreases the volume of the skin and creates wrinkles. Starting at the age of twenty-five, the amount of collagen decreases by one percent per year. And when we have passed forty this goes even faster.
Again, prevention is better than cure, restoring collagen will not be possible overnight. This is because collagen is difficult for the skin to absorb because it is a large protein that cannot penetrate the epidermis. Hence, in developing our aWondr. creams have focused on preventing collagen loss. This is possible in several ways, namely, by boosting production and reducing off-take. Let’s dive deeper into this particular process and discover how the various ingredients in aWondr. Ensure healthy collagen levels.
Niacinamide: master builder of collagen production
Niacinamide, the master builder of collagen, plays a crucial role in our aWondr. formula. By stimulating enzymes involved in the production of collagen, niacinamide ensures that the building process runs smoothly. Niacinimade offers many other benefits besides collagen stimulation. Read why niacinamide should not be missing from your beauty routine in the blog: niacinamide the all-rounder.
Chlorella Vulgaris: the Green Booster
Chlorella vulgaris acts as the green booster in the collagen game. This green alga contains natural antioxidants that protect collagen structures in the skin from free radicals, reducing collagen breakdown. In addition, the nutrients in Chlorella Vulgaris ensure that the skin has sufficient nutrition and energy for optimal collagen production.
Hyaluron: moisture as a Catalyst
Hyaluron in aWondr. acts as the catalyst that sets collagen in motion. By retaining moisture at the cellular level, hyaluron creates a favorable environment in which collagen fibers can be produced more effectively. This not only results in firmer skin, but also improved resilience and a healthy glow.
Retinol: the Night Watchman of Collagen
Retinol, the night watchman of collagen, takes over while you sleep. Retinol belongs to the retinoid family and has the most powerful effect on collagen. Retinoids help to reduce the amount of collagen breakdown caused by sun exposure, and they stimulate the production of new collagen. Cell division is promoted and the cell renewal process is accelerated, replacing old, damaged collagen fibers with fresh, firmer structures. Read more about retinol in the blog: What does retinol do for your face?
By cleverly combining these ingredients, aWondr. an effective combination of ingredients that promote collagen production at various stages.